Yes, your health insurance will cover car accident injuries, but the average driver will tap into his or her PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance coverage first.
What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?
In the state of Florida, PIP insurance is required by anyone who purchases an auto insurance policy. Under PIP, whether it's your fault or not, your medical expenses from a car accident injury are covered.
Find out if your state requires PIP insurance.
Find out if your state requires PIP insurance.
Why PIP Before Health Insurance
PIP insurance will cover 80% of all necessary medical costs for drivers and passengers up to $10k. It also covers such things as lost wages and travel expenses to and from medical appointments. PIP does not cover damages for pain and suffering.
Depending on your coverage, your PIP might not have a deductible (Full PIP in Florida has a $0 deductible). This differs from your health insurance policy, which usually has a deductible.
This means that if you don't exceed your PIP coverage, you won't have to pay a dime. If you were to instead tap into your health insurance first, you'd end up paying that associated deductible.
Depending on your coverage, your PIP might not have a deductible (Full PIP in Florida has a $0 deductible). This differs from your health insurance policy, which usually has a deductible.
This means that if you don't exceed your PIP coverage, you won't have to pay a dime. If you were to instead tap into your health insurance first, you'd end up paying that associated deductible.
If Medical Costs Exceed the PIP Limit
Remember that PIP in Florida covers 80% of your medical expenses. So if your injuries cost $10k, your auto insurance will pay $8k. If those costs exceed your PIP limit, your health insurance will then become your secondary source of coverage and kick in to pay the rest. But again, your health insurance deductible would then apply.
Reimbursement After a PIP Claim
In Florida, an initial visit to a doctor or emergency room must take place within two weeks of the accident in order to receive reimbursement from the PIP carrier. Keep that in mind first and foremost. Once treatment begins and your PIP claim is filed, your insurance company may then take up to 60 days to investigate the claim. Why? Insurance fraud is rampant. But the good news is that even if the investigation takes the full 60 days, they legally have to pay you within 30 days.
There's a lot to handle after a car accident, and it can seem daunting, especially if you're injured. Call Wilkes & Mee, and our Jacksonville car accident lawyers will handle your insurance claims and everything else that would otherwise be placed on your shoulders.