A longstanding complaint from drivers turning northbound onto Kernan from eastbound JTB is having to sit at that dreaded red light, especially during rush hour.
The New Traffic Pattern

The new route (green arrow) allows drivers to exit JTB eastbound and make a full loop onto Kernan northbound without having to stop at a traffic light. The new exit is about 1/3 of a mile past the existing exit ramp (blue arrow). Drivers will now only use the existing exit for southbound Kernan.
News4Jax shared a video of an early morning drive onto the new exit ramp.
The Full Project
This new exit ramp is a part of the FDOT's interchange improvement project at Kernan Boulevard, costing around $17 million as a whole, with an expected completion date of late 2024. The full scope of this project includes:
- Construction of a partial cloverleaf interchange
- Adding capacity to on- and off-ramps
- Construction of a shared-use path (SUP) for pedestrians and bicyclists
- Milling and resurfacing of existing pavement on Butler Boulevard, Kernan Boulevard and ramps
- Construction of ponds and other drainage improvements
- Roadway lighting upgrades
- Installation of new signage and mast arm signals
New traffic patterns usually always leads to a few confused drivers and a few accidents. If you are ever injured in an accident, please call our Jacksonville car accident lawyers at Wilkes & Mee for fast action.