Other than the obvious differences - like size, weight, and force of impact - there are clear characteristics that set semi-truck accidents apart from typical automobile collisions.
1. Insurance
In the state of Florida, commercial truck drivers may carry anywhere from $300k to $5 million worth of insurance depending on their cargo. And if that cargo travels across state lines, the driver has to meet FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) liability limits. This type of insurance can range anywhere between $750k and $5 million. And remember, these are minimums.
2. Investigation
The commercial trucking industry is governed by an enormous body of laws and regulations, including the height and weight of the vehicle and how many hours a truck driver is allowed to drive. These laws and regulations determine how a semi-truck collision is investigated and who is liable.
Trucking companies will send out their experts to collect a substantial amount of evidence and then do everything possible to minimize liability on their part, as damage to their expensive vehicle or cargo could cause severe financial impacts on their business. Some companies have even been known to hide evidence that would hurt their case, including records of hiring an in-experienced driver, too many hours on the service log, or negative vehicle inspection information.
Trucking companies will send out their experts to collect a substantial amount of evidence and then do everything possible to minimize liability on their part, as damage to their expensive vehicle or cargo could cause severe financial impacts on their business. Some companies have even been known to hide evidence that would hurt their case, including records of hiring an in-experienced driver, too many hours on the service log, or negative vehicle inspection information.
3. Legal Experience
Since the trucking company will try to control the investigation process - and ultimately the evidence gathered at the scene of the crash - the only thing standing between them and the other driver is an attorney that can pry open their attempts to conceal damaging evidence and conduct an even more revealing investigation. Without that experience and know-how, the trucking company and their many resources will usually end up controlling the case.
If you've been in an accident involving a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle, call Wilkes & Mee today. Our Jacksonville car accident lawyers know how to stand up to these companies, their lawyers, and their insurance carriers. Don't try to fight them alone.